Private Kindergarten UNES
- Child admission into the Private Kindergarten UNES
The Private Kindergarten UNES provides all-day and half-day care for children aged from 2 to 6 in general. Children can start the kindergarten anytime during the school year.
If you are interested to visit the Private Kindergarten UNES we kindly ask you to contact us by phone: + 421 917/ 622 622 (Director of the Private Kindergarten UNES) or + 421 905/ 418 922 (Reception of the Private Kindergarten UNES), or by e-mail at raukova@unes.sk or nitra@unes.sk.
When you arrive, you will be able to visit both indoor as well as outdoor facilities of the Private Kindergarten UNES. You will obtain additional information and be able to ask questions anytime.
- Parents
The Private Kindergarten UNES attempts to provide caring and respectful environment in order to enrich life of our children. Taking into account parents (and family as a whole) being an inseparable part of the overall development of a child, it is very important for us to closely cooperate with families of our children. Therefore, our staff is always at parentsʼdisposal in order to inform them and answer their questions.
- Application for Admission into the Private Kindergarten UNES can be downloaded here: APPLICATION FORM
We kindly ask you to fill in the application form and bring it to the Private Kindergarten UNES.
- Price list: PRICE LIST
- General terms and conditions: General terms and conditions
Our activities The Best Care for Your Child

Active Learning
Learning is carried out in a funny way, with the help of a game and interesting activities suitable for kids.

Music Lessons
Kindergarten is also focused on music and movement activities, i.e. different kinds of dance and playing the flute, since music and dance is what kids like and what makes them happy.

Foreign Lecturers
Lecturers come solely from foreign countries such as Spain, Venezuela, China and the United States of America.

Sport Activities
Facilities of the kindergarten are adjusted to sport activities. Gulf simulator and tatami mats can be found there as well.
949 01 Nitra
Opening hours
6:30AM – 5:00PM