The objectives and principles of the program Language Gateway Open are expressed in basic content domains of the program. Thanks to these domains, the educational objectives are implemented. The essential feature is their integrative character. Domains represent basic framework of values observed by the program.
Te Whāriki (1996), the generally accepted program of pre-school education is the greatest inspiration of this program.
Such educational content meets the principles of this program. Moreover, it provides teachers with a high degree of freedom when adjusting the program to specific needs of the kindergarten and creation of purposeful activities for children.
All the parts of the standard State Educational Program for pre-school education in the kindergartens (2015) can be incorporated into these integrated content domains. This way, the standards defined in our program can be reached as well.
There are five basic and mutually integrated domains. Given domains actually represent the objectives of the program. Pre-school education should lead children to communicate in different ways, to explore the world, to ensure their well-being and to flourish, to be aware of own roots and respect others and be useful for themselves and others.
1. Domain - Communication
Domain of Communication represents the cornerstone of all other domains.
Except for language symbols, this domain contains all basic forms of symbolic communication including music, art or even mathematical symbols. Various forms of symbolic communication are essential to build up mutual understanding among people from different cultural backgrounds and readiness of children to take part in new communication situations and making new contacts.
Cultural diversity is not based only on the language diversity. Cultural diversity is easier to understand and accept when the child also comes into contact with diversity of art and music products, symbols and expressions.

2. Domain - Discovering
Domain of Discovering leads especially to enrichment of childrensʼexperience thanks to their activity.
Discovering is essentially related to natural, material or physical environment. However, we cannot omit social environment, thought experiments, effort to explain certain phenomena and to reason their explanation.
Children cooperate in searching for answers and trying to understand the world around. Group interactions make them discuss their discoveries and they develop ties among their peers. Problem solving makes them share responsibility, divide tasks and communicate effectively.3. Domain – Well-being
Given domain consists of support of health and healthy lifestyle, adequate physical readiness, mental balance, emotional stability and also safety from both mental and physical point of view.

4. Domain - Companionship
Child is becoming conscious of where he/she comes from, what is a part of the culture surrounding him/her. However, the child is also becoming able to perceive and understand cultural diversity and to accept it.
This domain involves positive identification of family environment, national culture, public culture as well as cultural diversity.
Thus, the child stimulates the awareness of his/her own roots and his/ her own place in the society itself.
The child should feel safe and be able to find his/her bearings in social routines, habits, traditions and holidays. The child should also meet the habits of other cultures in order to encourage cultural tolerance and acceptance.
5. Domain - Utility
Being beneficial is based on certain assumptions that the school environment has to follow. It has to be an open environment without favouritism or rather unfair treatment of children based on their gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic background or capabilities. Every single child has to be appreciated, listened to and has to be given the opportunity to engage into activities and be useful.

Our activities The Best Care for Your Child

Active Learning
Learning is carried out in a funny way, with the help of a game and interesting activities suitable for kids.

Music Lessons
Kindergarten is also focused on music and movement activities, i.e. different kinds of dance and playing the flute, since music and dance is what kids like and what makes them happy.

Foreign Lecturers
Lecturers come solely from foreign countries such as Spain, Venezuela, China and the United States of America.

Sport Activities
Facilities of the kindergarten are adjusted to sport activities. Gulf simulator and tatami mats can be found there as well.
Upcoming events
All events can be found in the menu section: Events

Birthday party JUNE
- Date: 29 Jun, 2017
- Time: 15:30 - 18:00
- Location: Súkromná materská škola UNES

Graduation Party 2017
- Date: 30 Jun, 2017
- Time: 10:00 - 18:00
- Location: Súkromná materská škola UNES
949 01 Nitra
Opening hours
6:30AM – 5:00PM