Transportation by school bus is offered for kids from Topoľčany to Nitra and vice versa.
School and pre-school aged children transported in our buses find more safety than children transported in any other kind of vehicle.
During the transport itself, children are supervised by the coordinator of school bus who communicates with children solely in English.
Transportation for children is free of charge.
Parents may contact the school bus coordinator anytime.
How the transportation works:
At 7.30AM the coordinator of school bus takes children from parking lot at Tesco, Topoľčany.
All children get on the bus and are transported to Private Kindergarten UNES while supervised by the coordinator of school bus. The coordinator accompanies children to Private Kindergarten UNES and/or Private Elementary School UNITED NATIONS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
At 4.00PM, the coordinator of school bus takes all children supposed to go back to Topoľčany from Private Kindergarten UNES and/or Private Elementary School UNITED NATIONS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
School bus arrives in Topoľčany at 4.45 PM, where parents take their kids from the coordinator.
Parents whose children commute from Topoľčany to Nitra are given the telephone number of the school bus coordinator in order to contact him/her anytime during the day.

Our activities The Best Care for Your Child

Active Learning
Learning is carried out in a funny way, with the help of a game and interesting activities suitable for kids.

Music Lessons
Kindergarten is also focused on music and movement activities, i.e. different kinds of dance and playing the flute, since music and dance is what kids like and what makes them happy.

Foreign Lecturers
Lecturers come solely from foreign countries such as Spain, Venezuela, China and the United States of America.

Sport Activities
Facilities of the kindergarten are adjusted to sport activities. Gulf simulator and tatami mats can be found there as well.
949 01 Nitra
Opening hours
6:30AM – 5:00PM